Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lawnmower Types - Pros and Cons

Lawnmower Types - Pros and Cons
Looking for the lawnmower, but puzzled in what seems like an infinite number of lawnmower types?

Well, below are a few pointers that will help you understand and in the end select the made to be right to suit your needs.

Push - scissor action

These are the type great usually steel mowers that you simply push along.

In relation to its technology, they might have been familiar in our ancestors a hundred years ago. As you push the mower along, a rotating blade turns along a rotating horizontal axis. It then simply cuts the grass in a very scissor-type action.


Close control cutting. Many perfectionists can't live without these mowers and say you simply can't get a better finish.


They're usually quite heavy and have to have a bit of muscle and lung capacity to get them around. Perhaps incorrect for large areas unless you can afford 'staff' to acheive it for you!

They will also be difficult to make easily and get yourself a close-to-an-edge cut.

Petrol engine 'driven' scissor actions

These were several of the first driven mowers around. They're pretty much like the primary category above except you don't need to push them around.


The drive helps save effort.


They could be a little tricky to get close up to edges with and in some cases heavier to change.

Rotary hover mowers

Here, a rotating blade (metal or plastic) activates a vertically positioned drive axis. So, the cutting blade reaches 90 degress to its drive axis. Another aspect of the technology is usually that the mower is wheel-less as floats over a cushion of air.

They usually are electrically powered.


They're usually without difficulty manoeuvrable in most directions with little manual effort. They can work reasonably well on slopes.


Electric cables is usually restrictive and also a nuisance - maybe even dangerous if you're not employing a circuit breaker. Although easily pushed, over larger areas they're able to require some stamina. Some conisder that the cutting action is likely to drag and rip the grass making it difficult to receive a prestigious outcome.

Sit on rotary mowers

Usually powered by petrol, they are very popular with folks who have either limited mobility/strength or possibly a garden area that's so large with regards to make a 'walk along' mower impractical. They often resemble a small tractor and are avalable in all shapes, sizes and power combinations. They need to be driven.


Minimal manual labor required even over large areas.


Can are expensive, dependant on the model selected. Bigger engines, drives and hydraulics can all imply more what to go wrong. As the rotary cutter is generally positioned mid-vehicle for stability reasons, it can be tough to get close to the edge of grass (e.g. against a wall) to get a cut.

Some may also be a little sluggish in relation to its manoeuvrability and turning circles etc.

Sit on front-mounted mowers

On they, the rotating cutting blade is mounted prior to the vehicle and this means it may be much easier for getting close to the edge of the grass area.


Good having access to edges.


Can cost more and they're not ideal over uneven ground or on slopes.

Sit on zero turn mowers

Zero turn lawnmowers were once considered highly specialised and carried a price tag accordingly but over modern times they have become a lot more affordable.

Essentially they can be typically vehicles with 'shopping cart' type 360 degree wheels at the front knowning that means they may be exceptionally manoeuvrable.


They can be turned and may reach awkward spots effortlessly.


They could be a little more expensive and again, not invariably ideal for slopes and uneven ground.

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